BRENT 87.48
30.09.2022 03:30 AST
BRENT 87.48
30.09.2022 03:30 AST
Exploration, development of oil and gas fields. Production with sales of commercial oil.

Exploration, development of oil and gas fields

Production with sales
of commercial oil

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13 453 011 bbls

13 453 011 bbls

Cumulative production volumes
217,7 млн тг

217,7 mln tg

Amount of social deductions
Товары 49,79%

Goods 49,79%

Kazakhstan content of goods, services and works for 2022
Работы 98,87%

Work 98,87%

kazakhstan content of goods, services and works for 2022
Услуги 97.26%

The services 97.26%

Kazakhstan content of goods, services and works for 2022

LLC Kyzylorda Refinery

Company's history

«LLC Kyzylorda Refinery» is engaged in prospecting production, exploration, development of oil fields and oil extraction, with further implementation of marketable oil for internal and external commodity markets.

Company is part of the International Group of Companies.

LLC Kyzylorda Refinery was founded 2016 by Kazakhstan experts in the field of direct investments, project and corporate financing. Company history began with the mining industry and today also includes the following projects: projects in the petroleum industry, real estate development business, production of construction materials, projects in the field of energy and agriculture.

Today, «Рокси Петролеум» implements projects in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Turkey and Israel.

Company details

Milestones of the Company history:


In March, 2016 objects on TF “The system of collecting GOS and preliminary preparation of oil on the Taur field" are put into operation”:

  • Central Processing Facilities (CPF) on collecting and preliminary preparation of GOS with a power - 209,1 tpd (73,19 thousand tons/year.) of oil.
  • Oil gathering system from 6 well.


In September 2017, objects on TF "The system of collecting GOS and preliminary preparation of oil on the South Taur field " were put into operation:

  • Central Processing Facilities (CPF) on collecting and preliminary preparation of GOS with a power of 542,86 tpd (190,0 thousand tons/year.) of oil.
  • Oil gathering system from 21 wells.
  • GTPP with a capacity of 0,8 MW to ensure power supply of group of fields of Khairkeldy and utilization of associated petroleum gas.
  • GTPP with a capacity of 0,6 MW to ensure power supply of group of fields of Khairkeldy and utilization of associated petroleum gas.
  • Total capacity of GTPP – 1.8MW.


As a result of the drilling and testing works of the well Zholtay 1 in January 2018, oil influx was received from the producing horizon M-II-1 aryskum deposits.

The deposit Zholtay was founded.

In April 2018, 6kV HV line from 6kV-SG  110/6kV PS “LLC Kyzylorda Refinery” Taur field power block were put into operation. 6 kV HR line length is 15,34 km.

Currently, LLP “LLC Kyzylorda Refinery” is operating on four fields Taur, Khairkeldy, South Khaikeldy, and North Khaikeldy; the field South-West Khairkeldy is on a trial operation; the fields Zholtay and North-West Khairkeldy are at the stage of estimation works.


In 2019, capital construction facilities were put into operation as part of the operation project “First Phase Equipping of the Facilities of the Kharkeldy Group of Oilfield”.

The project includes:

1. Booster pumping station (BPS) # 3 at the Khairkeldy Severny field with a multiphase pumping station with a pumping capacity of 3,600 m3 gas-liquid mixture per day.

2. Oil pipeline D273mm with a length of 9.92 km from the BPS-3 of the Khairkeldy Severnyy field to the OTS at the Kharkeldy Yuzhny field.

3. High-voltage transmission line VL-20kV with a length of 6.9 km from the Power unit at the Khairkeldy Yuzhny field to the substation PS-20 / 6kV at the Kharkeldy Severnyy field.

4. The booster pumping station (BPS) # 2 at the Hairkeldy Central oilfield with a multiphase pumping station with a pumping capacity of 600 m3 of gas-liquid mixture per day.

5. Oil pipeline D219mm with a length of 2.06 km from BPS-2 of the Kharkeldy Central field to the D273mm pipeline.

6. Pipeline collection system D89mm with a total length of 36 km from 34 production wells in the Kharkeldy North, Central and South fields.

7. High-voltage power lines VL-6 kV with a total length of 24.4 km to the outfall of 34 production wells.


1.       The technology of dual operation (TDO) was introduced on wells No. 3,8,9 at Khairkeldy North, in order to improve the efficiency of artificial lift;

2.       Pilot field tests were carried out in five areas, in order to reduce operating costs in oil production and to apply new technologies;

3.       Capital construction facilities were put into operation under the Project “Infrastructure development for the Khairkeldy group of fields, 2nd stage”;

a.    Pipeline gathering system D89mm for 10 production wells at the Khairkeldy North, Khairkeldy South fields;

Integrated direct measurements of reservoir pressures based on pilot testing.

1.       Capital construction facilities were put into operation under the Project “Infrastructure development for the Khairkeldy group of fields, 3rd  stage”:

a.       Booster pump station (BPS) №4 at the Khairkeldy South-West sites, the capacity of gas pumping 12,000 m3 / day and liquid pumping capacity 872 m3 / day;

b.      Inter-industrial oil pipeline and unit of accounting and transportation of oil (IIOP, UATO) from Khairkeldy South oil field to AP JSC NK KOR;

c.       High-voltage transmission line VL-20kV from 110/6 kV substation "Nuraly" to substation PS-20 / 6kV at the site Khairkeldy North, which allows us to refuse the expensive lease of Gas-piston power plant;

d.      Expansion of the object "Oil Preparation Point (OPP) on Khairkeldy South site", with three times increase of passability for liquids;

2.       Sedimentological analysis of core has been conducted at Central Khairgeldy field;

3.       The start of the development of PDMS (Production Data Management System), as part of the project "Digital Field";

4.       Successful deepening in 3x wells;

5.       Actualization of hydrodynamic models Khairkeldy North and South and Khairkeldy South fields on complex data specialization core;

6.       Construction of geological models of Khairkeldy South-West field;

7.       Approval of the project of development of Khairkeldy South-West field and thestart of mining;

Completion of the concept of the Pressure maintenance project with Tatneft in the framework of R&D.

1.     The amount of extracted oil in 2022 reached 330,890 tons.

2.     Handed over to Kaztransoil - 331,761 tons.

3.     A shift camp for 250 people was put into operation at the Khairkeldy field;

4.     Four wells of the 3rd stage were put into operation;

5.     Start of construction of the "Oil pipeline (fiberglass pipe collector) from booster pumping station (BPS)-3 to “Oil preparation station South Khairkeldy (SKh)" and "Oil pipeline (fiberglass pipe collector) from BPS-2 to the valve unit of the BPS-3 “Oil preparation station SKh" oil pipeline;

6.     Start of construction of the "Reservoir pressure maintenance system (RPM) at the group of fields of LLC Kyzylorda Refinery"

7.     Construction and commissioning of nine drilling sites with access roads;

8.     "System of operational radio communication of the DMR standard" was put into operation.

9.     Construction of a water well – Technical water well station-1.

10.   Drilled 12 wells with a total depth of 23334m: SWKh -12; SWKh -10; NKh-19; NKh-20; SKh -44; NKh-15; SKh -46; NKh-28; SKh -41; NKh-41; NKh-42; SWKh-13.

LLC Kyzylorda Refinery

key indicators, values


The most valuable asset of LLC Kyzylorda Refinery is it's staff

Ecology and technology

Being the region’s one of the largest subsoil users, LLC Kyzylorda Refinery strictly adheres to the highest world environmental standards


For people’s life and health and for entrusted natural resources in the region

Publicity and partnership

In cooperation with the community and stakeholders


Following its mission, LLC Kyzylorda Refinery carries out activities based on honesty and fairness, mutual respect and decency